Westview Holds Career Fair


Westview High School and The Department of Human Services – Vocational Rehabilitation- Pre-ETS. hosted over 50 businesses and 750 students at the first annual Career Fair held Thursday, August 29. The fair was spearheaded by Brenda Hardin- Pre-ETS Specialist and Christy Norton- Westview High School Job Coach.

Brian Allen, Principal of Westview High School, PRE-ETS Supervisor Leeanne Pierce, VR Counselor Karen Millraney, CTE Director Kandace Jackson, Keith- Transition School to Work Case Manager, and Jeff Cupples, Director of Weakley County Schools helped with the event’s success. Ms. Kassi Wright's Nutrition Program students for their assistance with refreshments for the visitors.

Business that attended the event included TDOT, Dynamics, Larry Pitts Logging, TWRA, TBI, WRAP, US Coast Guard, Vocational Rehabilitation, West Tennessee Public Utility District, TN Tractor, TCAT Parsons, Dresden Enterprise/Martin Post, Thunderbolt Broadcasting, National Guard, TN Forestry, St Johns, WC Electric System, Conagra, Martin Police Dept, Martin Fire Dept, Discovery Park, Life Coalition, Youth Coalition, UC Hospital (Baptist Memorial), Precision Auto, All State, Job World, WA Realty, State Farm, Air Force, Titan Tire, Walmart, Walmart Trucking, Ut Extension Office, WC School System, UT Communications, Family Black and Decker, Pepsi, Dyersburg State, TCAT McKenzie, Jackson State, UTM, Simmons Bank, Austin Peay, Murray State, WC CoOp, WTH Hospital, Forever Communications, Bethel and Blackberry Pond Farm.

Students from Middle School through to 12th grade were able to walk through at various times and connect with business at each booth for information, swag and games. The Dresden Enterprise and The Martin Post were excited to attend the event and educated students on the importance of journalism, qualifications needed for different areas in the newspaper industry, handed out newspapers, notebooks, pens, pencils and candy and even caught a few students catching up on the latest news.

The Career Fair will be an annual event every year with next years career fair planned for late September.