Letter to the Editor: Judicial Branch Constitution Attack

Regardless of what Republicans in Congress and elsewhere are proclaiming about Donald Trump’s indictment and conviction, President Joe Biden did not indict Donald Trump.  The Justice Department under Joe Biden did not indict him.  The Democrats in Congress did not indict him.  The Democratic Party did not indict him.  He was indicted by a grand jury of American citizens.
The President did not convict him.  The Justice Department did not convict him.  Nor did the Democrats in Congress or the Democratic Party convict him.  He was convicted by a jury of American citizens.
When Republicans in Congress saw otherwise, they are undermining the rule of law which upholds our democracy.  They are attacking the Judicial branch of the U. S. Constitution, a constitution they take an oath of office to uphold and protect.  For shame!  For shame!
Lynda Hamblen
Union City