Hold Fast


"Beloved, God has never failed to act but in goodness and love. When all means fail-his love prevails. Hold fast to your faith. Stand fast in his Word. There is no other hope in this world" (David Wilkerson). 

The immediate context of our verse for this week (Hebrews 10:23) begins in verse 19. Since we have the confidence to enter the Holy Place and a great High Priest in Jesus (vv.19-21), three actions should ensue. He says, "Let us" do the following: first, draw near (22); second, hold fast (23); and third, consider one another (24). It is the second action we will focus on in this article.

Of course, the writer of Hebrews started all this back in 4:14-16. It was there that he discussed Jesus as our High Priest. And with Jesus, the better High Priest, the better sacrifice, the better system for salvation, and many other "betters," why would you want to return to an inferior system? Instead, he repeatedly encourages them to "hold fast" to what Jesus provides. We must hold fast to "our confession" of Jesus as Lord (4:14), to our confidence (3:6, 14), and to our hope (3:6; 6:18). All of this is because of Jesus.

So, in 10:23, he says to hold fast the confession of our hope. That is, he tells them to draw near to it. It is one thing to say we believe in Jesus, and our hope is in Him. It is another thing to stick to it. He has come full circle from 4:14-16. He has established his argument. Following Jesus is better, so don't let go!

In 3:6, he talked about confidence and boasting about "our hope." We can hold fast because of our confidence in our hope. We have that confidence because of the Lord. He is "faithful." God never lies (6:18). If we don't hold fast to our confession, we will lose that grace on which we depend.

This week, take some time to reflect on the countless promises God has faithfully kept. Let this reflection strengthen your resolve to follow Jesus, regardless of the circumstances. It's one thing to profess our trust in Him, but when challenges and obstacles arise, let's keep our focus on Him. Hold on to Him tightly, and keep your hope anchored in His precious promises! I love you, and God does too!




Corey Sawyers is the preaching minister for the Martin Church of Christ and an adjunct instructor for Bear Valley Bible Institute. He is Melody's husband and Daddy to Garrett (and Bailey), Gordon (and Lauren), and Gannon. Tennessee’s opponent this week is just “OK!"