Weakley County Approves Interim Mayor Pay

Resolution to be presented at Finance, Ways, and Means and County Commission Meetings


The Weakley County Finance, Ways and Means committee met Wednesday, July 17 and recommended a resolution on the Interim County Mayor’s, Dennis Doster, pay.

Members discussed what Doster’s pay should be, whether he should be paid at all and if he should get paid for committee meetings pay.

The Weakley County Commission’s Finance, Ways, and Means Committee originally approved a motion at their May 30 meeting to pay Doster a salary of $150 per day worked in the office, however Director of Finance John Liggett received communication from the Comptroller’s Office before the end of the meeting stating that it was their opinion that Commissioner Doster could not be compensated if he were not formally appointed County Mayor.

County Attorney, Allison Whitledge stated that she and Director Liggett have spoken with CTAS and the Comptroller’s Office and that there were conflicting opinions on the issue, but that now the general consensus was that the county can pay the full amount, but they are not required to.

“I don't see a black letter law that says you're required to pay the full amount. However, when you read the statutes, what sticks out to me is, it states that the interim county mayor shall have the same power, duties, and bond as provided of the previous county mayor. What that tells me is he's literally stepping into the shoes. The vacancy is filled immediately with him and absent some decision by this body or another to pay him less, from our read, from my reading of it, if he's stepping into that role, he would step into that pay compensation if compensation is requested,” Whitledge explained.

Doster stated that he would be declining his regular pay for commission and subcommittee meetings.

“The argument that we were making in support of the full compensation rate is that in the current budgeted amount, the statute says he's stepping into that role immediately, on a temporary basis, rather than change compensation that he would pay at the same rate,” Whitledge said.

Commissioner Gary Eddings made a motion to recommend that the county pay Doster half of the state minimum for the county mayor’s Salary. The minimum salaries allowed for a full-time county mayor required and set by the state for 2023-2024 is $104,776 and the minimum set for 2024-25 is $110,015.

Annual increases to these salaries are also mandated, set, and required by the state. 

It was unanimously agreed to recommend payment of half of the state minimum county mayor’s salary to Doster for his time serving as the unappointed interim county mayor. Doster’s pay for the months of May and June in fiscal year 23-24 will be $4,363.67 per month and his pay for July and August in fiscal year 24-25 will be $4,583.96 per month.

The payments could be prorated for the month of August in the event that a new mayor is sworn in prior to Sep. 1 when the election results are certified.

Doster would also be allowed to continue to vote as a commissioner.

The County Commission meeting is set for Monday, July 22 at 5 p.m. at the Weakley County Courthouse.